Abu al-ʿAbbas, ʿAbd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Muʿtazz bi-Allah ibn al-Mutawakkil ibn al-Muʿtasim ibn al-Rashid al-ʿAbbasi (al-mutawaffa: 296H)
أبو العباس، عبد الله بن محمد المعتز بالله ابن المتوكل ابن المعتصم ابن الرشيد العباسي (المتوفى: 296هـ)
Abu al-Abbas, Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Mu'tazz bi-Allah, was a distinguished Abbasid poet and literary figure. He hailed from a lineage of caliphs, being a descendant of the Abbasid dynasty. His contributions to Arabic literature are notable, especially in the fields of poetry and literary criticism. Al-Mu'tazz's work is characterized by its eloquence, depth, and the exploration of themes such as love, valor, and social commentary. His writings reflect the intellectual and cultural vibrancy of t...
Abu al-Abbas, Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Mu'tazz bi-Allah, was a distinguished Abbasid poet and literary figure. He hailed from a lineage of caliphs, being a descendant of the Abbasid dynasty. His contr...
al-Badīʿ fī al-Badīʿ
البديع في البديع
Abu al-ʿAbbas, ʿAbd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Muʿtazz bi-Allah ibn al-Mutawakkil ibn al-Muʿtasim ibn al-Rashid al-ʿAbbasi (al-mutawaffa: 296H) (d. 296 AH)أبو العباس، عبد الله بن محمد المعتز بالله ابن المتوكل ابن المعتصم ابن الرشيد العباسي (المتوفى: 296هـ) (ت. 296 هجري)
Dīwān Ibn al-Muʿtazz
ديوان ابن المعتز
Abu al-ʿAbbas, ʿAbd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Muʿtazz bi-Allah ibn al-Mutawakkil ibn al-Muʿtasim ibn al-Rashid al-ʿAbbasi (al-mutawaffa: 296H) (d. 296 AH)أبو العباس، عبد الله بن محمد المعتز بالله ابن المتوكل ابن المعتصم ابن الرشيد العباسي (المتوفى: 296هـ) (ت. 296 هجري)
Ṭabaqāt al-Shuʿarāʾ
طبقات الشعراء
Abu al-ʿAbbas, ʿAbd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Muʿtazz bi-Allah ibn al-Mutawakkil ibn al-Muʿtasim ibn al-Rashid al-ʿAbbasi (al-mutawaffa: 296H) (d. 296 AH)أبو العباس، عبد الله بن محمد المعتز بالله ابن المتوكل ابن المعتصم ابن الرشيد العباسي (المتوفى: 296هـ) (ت. 296 هجري)