Abū Yaʿlā, Muʿallā b. Manṣūr al-Rāzī
أبو يعلى، معلى بن منصور الرازي
Abu Ya'la Ma'la ibn Mansur al-Razi was a distinguished Islamic scholar. Known for his extensive knowledge in hadith and jurisprudence, he contributed significantly to the compilation and dissemination of hadith literature. His scholarly pursuits were primarily focused on authenticating the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, making his work a cornerstone for many subsequent scholars. His dedication to the discipline of hadith studies remains a testament to his rigorous scholarship and e...
Abu Ya'la Ma'la ibn Mansur al-Razi was a distinguished Islamic scholar. Known for his extensive knowledge in hadith and jurisprudence, he contributed significantly to the compilation and dissemination...