Ibn al-Khashshab
ابن الخشاب
Ibn Khashshab Baghdadi was a distinguished historian and hadith scholar from Baghdad. He dedicated his life to the study and teaching of Islamic sciences, focusing particularly on the traditions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. His scholarly work contributed significantly to the fields of history and hadith, making him a respected figure among his contemporaries. His meticulous approach to scholarship and his devotion to Islamic teachings were evident in his writings and teachings, which con...
Ibn Khashshab Baghdadi was a distinguished historian and hadith scholar from Baghdad. He dedicated his life to the study and teaching of Islamic sciences, focusing particularly on the traditions and s...
al-Qaṣīda al-ʿAjība wa-l-Mufrada al-Gharība Dhāt al-Asʾila al-Mufḥima wa-l-Maʿānī al-Muḥkama
القصيدة العجيبة والمفردة الغريبة ذات الأسئلة المفحمة والمعاني المحكمة
Ibn al-Khashshab (d. 567 AH)ابن الخشاب (ت. 567 هجري)
al-Murtajal fi Sharh al-Jumal li-Ibn al-Khashshab
المرتجل في شرح الجمل لابن الخشاب
Ibn al-Khashshab (d. 567 AH)ابن الخشاب (ت. 567 هجري)
Istidrakāt Ibn al-Khashshāb ʿalā Maqāmāt al-Ḥarīrī
استدراكات ابن الخشاب على مقامات الحريري
Ibn al-Khashshab (d. 567 AH)ابن الخشاب (ت. 567 هجري)
Taʾrīkh Mawālīd al-Aʾimma (al-Majmūʿa)
تاريخ مواليد الأئمة (المجموعة)
Ibn al-Khashshab (d. 567 AH)ابن الخشاب (ت. 567 هجري)