Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Iyās
محمد بن أحمد ابن أياس
Ibn Iyas, formally known as Muhammad ibn Ahmad, was an Egyptian historian renowned for his detailed chronicle of Egypt, particularly during the Mamluk and early Ottoman periods. His most celebrated work, 'Bada'i' al-Zuhur fi Waqa'i' al-Duhur', is a vital source for understanding the social, political, and economic aspects of Egypt from the late 15th century into the early 16th century. This comprehensive history offers insights into the daily life, architecture, and significant events of the tim...
Ibn Iyas, formally known as Muhammad ibn Ahmad, was an Egyptian historian renowned for his detailed chronicle of Egypt, particularly during the Mamluk and early Ottoman periods. His most celebrated wo...
Nuzhat al-umam fi al-‘aja’ib wa-al-ḥikam
نزهة الأمم في العجائب والحكم
Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Iyās (d. 930 AH)محمد بن أحمد ابن أياس (ت. 930 هجري)
Sharḥ al-Nuqāyah Mukhtaṣar al-Wiqāyah
شرح النقاية مختصر الوقاية
Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Iyās (d. 930 AH)محمد بن أحمد ابن أياس (ت. 930 هجري)
Badaic Zuhur
Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Iyās (d. 930 AH)محمد بن أحمد ابن أياس (ت. 930 هجري)