Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn Ḥamdūn, Abū al-Maʿālī, Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-Baghdādī (al-mutawaffā: 562H)
محمد بن الحسن بن محمد بن علي بن حمدون، أبو المعالي، بهاء الدين البغدادي (المتوفى: 562هـ)
Ibn Hamdun, formally known as Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ali, and also referred to as Abu al-Ma'ali and Baha al-Din al-Baghdadi, was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic world. His contributions spanned various fields of Islamic studies, including jurisprudence, theology, and literature. Despite the breadth of his scholarship, specific works that have significantly influenced Islamic thought or that remain widely studied today were not detailed in the provided information. His scho...
Ibn Hamdun, formally known as Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ali, and also referred to as Abu al-Ma'ali and Baha al-Din al-Baghdadi, was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic world. His contr...