ʿUthmān b. ʿUmar b. Khafīf Abū ʿUmar al-Muqriʾ al-Maʿrūf bi-al-Darrāj (al-mutawaffā: 361/971)
عثمان بن عمر بن خفيف أبو عمر المقرئ المعروف بالدراج (المتوفى: 361هـ)
Ibn Cumar Darraj was a distinguished Quranic reciter and scholar, renowned for his profound knowledge and mastery in the art of Quranic recitation. His expertise was not limited to the theoretical aspects of Tajweed but also encompassed the practical application of these principles, making him a revered figure among his contemporaries. His contributions to the field of Quranic studies were significant, with his methods and teachings influencing the practices of Quranic recitation. Despite the ch...
Ibn Cumar Darraj was a distinguished Quranic reciter and scholar, renowned for his profound knowledge and mastery in the art of Quranic recitation. His expertise was not limited to the theoretical asp...
Ḥadīth al-Durāj
حديث الدراج
ʿUthmān b. ʿUmar b. Khafīf Abū ʿUmar al-Muqriʾ al-Maʿrūf bi-al-Darrāj (al-mutawaffā: 361/971) (d. 361 AH)عثمان بن عمر بن خفيف أبو عمر المقرئ المعروف بالدراج (المتوفى: 361هـ) (ت. 361 هجري)
al-Juzʾ fihi min Hadith Abi ʾAmr ʾUthman ibn ʾUmar al-Darraj
الجزء فيه من حديث أبي عمرو عثمان بن عمر الدراج
ʿUthmān b. ʿUmar b. Khafīf Abū ʿUmar al-Muqriʾ al-Maʿrūf bi-al-Darrāj (al-mutawaffā: 361/971) (d. 361 AH)عثمان بن عمر بن خفيف أبو عمر المقرئ المعروف بالدراج (المتوفى: 361هـ) (ت. 361 هجري)