b. al-ʿImād al-Ḥanbalī
ابن العماد الحنبلي
Ibn Cimad was a distinguished historian and biographer within the Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence. He is best known for his work, 'Shadharat al-Dhahab fi Akhbar man Dhahab,' a comprehensive chronicle of Islamic history spanning from the time of the Prophet Muhammad until Ibn Cimad's era. This work is celebrated for its detailed accounts of scholars, rulers, and significant figures in the Islamic world, providing valuable insights into the socio-political and religious landscape of his ti...
Ibn Cimad was a distinguished historian and biographer within the Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence. He is best known for his work, 'Shadharat al-Dhahab fi Akhbar man Dhahab,' a comprehensive ch...
Shadharāt al-Dhahab - Ibn al-ʿImād
شذرات الذهب - ابن العماد
b. al-ʿImād al-Ḥanbalī (d. 1089 AH)ابن العماد الحنبلي (ت. 1089 هجري)
Muʿṭiyat al-Amān min Ḥinth al-Aymān
معطية الأمان من حنث الأيمان
b. al-ʿImād al-Ḥanbalī (d. 1089 AH)ابن العماد الحنبلي (ت. 1089 هجري)
Bughyat Ulī al-Nuhā fī Sharḥ Ghāyat al-Muntahā wa Yalīhi Takmilat Bughyat Ulī al-Nuhā
بغية أولي النهى في شرح غاية المنتهى ويليه تكملة بغية أولي النهى
b. al-ʿImād al-Ḥanbalī (d. 1089 AH)ابن العماد الحنبلي (ت. 1089 هجري)
al-Sila aw al-ʿĀʾida fī Ṭarīq ʿAmal al-Munāsakhāt bi-Jāmiʿa Wāḥida
الصلة أو العائدة في طريق عمل المناسخات بجامعة واحدة
b. al-ʿImād al-Ḥanbalī (d. 1089 AH)ابن العماد الحنبلي (ت. 1089 هجري)