Ibn al-Barrāj
ابن البراج
Ibn Barraj Tarabulusi was a distinguished Islamic jurist and scholar, deeply rooted in the Maliki school of thought. His expertise in Islamic jurisprudence and dedication to teaching and writing significantly contributed to the dissemination and understanding of Maliki fiqh. Among his notable works, his comprehensive legal text stands out as a critical resource for scholars and students of Islamic law. His writings not only delve into the intricacies of legal rulings but also reflect on the ethi...
Ibn Barraj Tarabulusi was a distinguished Islamic jurist and scholar, deeply rooted in the Maliki school of thought. His expertise in Islamic jurisprudence and dedication to teaching and writing signi...
Sharḥ Jumal al-ʿIlm wa-al-ʿAmal
شرح جمل العلم والعمل
al-Qāḍī Ibn al-Barrāj (d. 481 AH)القاضي ابن البراج (ت. 481 هجري)
Jawāhir al-Fiqh - al-‘Aqā’id al-Ja‘farīyah
جواهر الفقه - العقائد الجعفرية
al-Qāḍī Ibn al-Barrāj (d. 481 AH)القاضي ابن البراج (ت. 481 هجري)
al-Muhadhdhab - al-Juzʾ 1
المهذب - الجزء1
al-Qāḍī Ibn al-Barrāj (d. 481 AH)القاضي ابن البراج (ت. 481 هجري)