al-ʿAbbās b. Bakkār (or Ibn al-Walīd b. Bakkār) al-Ḍubbī (d. 222/837)
العباس بن بكار (أو ابن الوليد بن بكار) الضبي (المتوفى: 222هـ)
Ibn Bakkar Dabi, formally known as Al-Abbas ibn Bakkar, was a distinguished historian and genealogist. His contributions to the fields of history and genealogy are marked by his meticulous documentation of Arab tribes and their ancestries. Among his notable works, his detailed accounts of the genealogies of Arab tribes stand out for their depth and accuracy. His dedication to preserving the histories and lineages of these tribes has made his writings invaluable resources for scholars and histori...
Ibn Bakkar Dabi, formally known as Al-Abbas ibn Bakkar, was a distinguished historian and genealogist. His contributions to the fields of history and genealogy are marked by his meticulous documentati...
Akhbar al-Wafidat min al-Nisaʾ `ala Mu`awiya ibn Abi Sufyan
أخبار الوافدات من النساء على معاوية بن أبي سفيان
al-ʿAbbās b. Bakkār (or Ibn al-Walīd b. Bakkār) al-Ḍubbī (d. 222/837) (d. 222 AH)العباس بن بكار (أو ابن الوليد بن بكار) الضبي (المتوفى: 222هـ) (ت. 222 هجري)
Akhbar al-Wafidin min al-Rijal min Ahl al-Basra wa-al-Kufa ʾala Muʾawiya ibn Abi Sufyan
أخبار الوافدين من الرجال من أهل البصرة والكوفة على معاوية بن أبي سفيان
al-ʿAbbās b. Bakkār (or Ibn al-Walīd b. Bakkār) al-Ḍubbī (d. 222/837) (d. 222 AH)العباس بن بكار (أو ابن الوليد بن بكار) الضبي (المتوفى: 222هـ) (ت. 222 هجري)