Ibn Abi Hasan Daylami was a distinguished Islamic scholar known for his profound contributions to Hadith studies. His scholarly pursuits led him to compile several significant works that have been influential in the field. Among his notable contributions is the meticulous documentation and analysis of Hadiths, which have served as a valuable resource for Islamic scholars and students alike. His dedication to Islamic scholarship has made his works a staple in Islamic studies, particularly in the ...
Ibn Abi Hasan Daylami was a distinguished Islamic scholar known for his profound contributions to Hadith studies. His scholarly pursuits led him to compile several significant works that have been inf...
Aʿlām al-Dīn fī Ṣifāt al-Muʾminīn
أعلام الدين في صفات المؤمنين
al-Daylamī (d. 800 AH)الديلمي (ت. 800 هجري)
Irshad al-Qulub - al-Juzʾ 2
إرشاد القلوب - الجزء2
al-Daylamī (d. 800 AH)الديلمي (ت. 800 هجري)
Gharar al-akhbar wa durar al-athar fi manaqib Abi al-aʾimma al-athar (A)
غرر الأخبار و درر الآثار في مناقب أبي الأئمة الأطهار(ع)
al-Daylamī (d. 800 AH)الديلمي (ت. 800 هجري)