Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad Saʿīd al-Makkī
حسين بن محمد سعيد المكي
Hussein bin Muhammad Saeed Al-Makki emerged as a significant scholar and figure in the Islamic world, particularly respected for his theological and philosophical contributions. A prolific writer, his works delved deep into Islamic jurisprudence, offering insights and interpretations that enriched religious discourse. Al-Makki's teachings extended beyond the written word, as he engaged in debates and discussions that highlighted his deep understanding of Islam. He was known for his eloquence and...
Hussein bin Muhammad Saeed Al-Makki emerged as a significant scholar and figure in the Islamic world, particularly respected for his theological and philosophical contributions. A prolific writer, his...
Ḥāshiyat Irshād al-sārī ilā Manāsik al-Mullā ʿAlī al-Qārī ʿalā al-Maslak al-Mutasqiṭ fī al-Mansak al-Mutawaṣṣiṭ
حاشية إرشاد الساري إلى مناسك الملا علي القاري على المسلك المتقسط في المنسك المتوسط
Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad Saʿīd al-Makkī (d. 1366 AH)حسين بن محمد سعيد المكي (ت. 1366 هجري)
Fath al-Wahhab Sharh Tufat al-Tullab fi al-Madhhab al-Hanafi
فتح الوهاب شرح تحفة الطلاب في المذهب الحنفي
Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad Saʿīd al-Makkī (d. 1366 AH)حسين بن محمد سعيد المكي (ت. 1366 هجري)