ʿAbd al-Bārī ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Ghanī ibn ʿAtīq ibn al-Shaykh Saʿīd ibn al-Shaykh Ḥasan, Abū al-Najā al-ʿAshmāwī al-Qāhirī al-Azharī al-Mālikī (al-mutawaffā: qarn 10 AH)

عبد الباري بن أحمد بن عبد الغني بن عتيق بن الشيخ سعيد بن الشيخ حسن، أبو النجا العشماوي القاهري الأزهري المالكي (المتوفى: ق 10هـ)

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Cabd Bari Ashmawi was a distinguished scholar in the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence. Educated in Al-Azhar University, his contributions to Islamic legal thought and jurisprudence were deeply r...