Amal al-Khamisah
أمل آل خميسة
2 Texts
•Also known as
Amal Al Khamisa was a renowned scholar and author known for her pioneering work in Islamic philosophy. She made significant contributions to the understanding of classical Islamic texts, offering fresh interpretations that resonated with contemporary audiences. Her writings often bridged traditional scholarship with modern thought, facilitating a deeper dialogue within the academic community. Al Khamisa's most acclaimed work, 'The Harmony of Thought,' delves into the nuances of human intellect a...
Amal Al Khamisa was a renowned scholar and author known for her pioneering work in Islamic philosophy. She made significant contributions to the understanding of classical Islamic texts, offering fres...
Mukhtaṣar Kashf al-Ghumma ʿan Adillat al-Ḥijāb fī al-Kitāb wa-al-Sunna
مختصر كشف الغمة عن أدلة الحجاب في الكتاب والسنة
Amal al-Khamisah (d. Unknown)أمل آل خميسة (ت. غير معلوم)
Kashf al-Ghummah ʿan Adillat al-Ḥijāb fī al-Kitāb wa al-Sunnah
كشف الغمة عن أدلة الحجاب في الكتاب والسنة
Amal al-Khamisah (d. Unknown)أمل آل خميسة (ت. غير معلوم)