Aḥmad Murshid
أحمد مرشد
2 Texts
•Also known as
Ahmed Murshid played a significant role in the Islamic scholarly tradition. Known for his deep understanding of religious texts, he contributed to theological discussions and education. His lectures and written works influenced many students and fellow scholars, providing insights into Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy. Murshid was part of several notable scholarly circles, where he engaged in robust debates and dialogues. His dedication to knowledge and education has been remembered by those...
Ahmed Murshid played a significant role in the Islamic scholarly tradition. Known for his deep understanding of religious texts, he contributed to theological discussions and education. His lectures a...
al-Istinbāṭāt wa-al-Fawāʾid al-Saʿdīyah min al-Suwar wa-al-Āyāt al-Qurʾānīyah
الاستنباطات والفوائد السعدية من السور والآيات القرآنية
Aḥmad Murshid (d. Unknown)أحمد مرشد (ت. غير معلوم)
al-Fatawa al-Yawmiyya min al-Masaʾil al-Fiqhiyya
الفتاوى اليومية من المسائل الفقهية
Aḥmad Murshid (d. Unknown)أحمد مرشد (ت. غير معلوم)