Aḥmad b. ʿAṭiyya al-Ghāmidī
أحمد بن عطية الغامدي
Ahmad ibn Atiyah Al-Ghamdi was a renowned theologian and scholar. He made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy, often engaging with complex theological debates. His works are celebrated for their depth and clarity, and he is remembered for his ability to bridge different schools of thought. Al-Ghamdi's teachings continue to be influential, reflecting his mastery of Islamic sciences. His dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of faith has been a sour...
Ahmad ibn Atiyah Al-Ghamdi was a renowned theologian and scholar. He made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy, often engaging with complex theological debates. His works ...
al-Iman bayna al-salaf wa-al-mutakallimin
الإيمان بين السلف والمتكلمين
Aḥmad b. ʿAṭiyya al-Ghāmidī (d. 1432 AH)أحمد بن عطية الغامدي (ت. 1432 هجري)
al-Bayhaqī wa-Mawqifuhu min al-Ilāhiyyāt
البيهقي وموقفه من الإلهيات
Aḥmad b. ʿAṭiyya al-Ghāmidī (d. 1432 AH)أحمد بن عطية الغامدي (ت. 1432 هجري)