Ahmad ibn ‘Abd al-Latif ibn Ahmad al-Barbir al-Hasani, Abu al-Fayd (al-mutawaffa: 1226 H)
أحمد بن عبد اللطيف بن أحمد البربير الحسني، أبو الفيض (المتوفى: 1226 ه)
Ahmad Barbir was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the rich traditions of Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His scholarly contributions spanned various aspects of Islamic studies, including jurisprudence, theology, and the interpretation of Islamic texts. Barbir was known for his profound understanding of the complexities of Islamic law and his ability to articulate and explain intricate legal and theological concepts with clarity and depth. His works, characterized by their sc...
Ahmad Barbir was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the rich traditions of Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His scholarly contributions spanned various aspects of Islamic studies, in...
al-Faṣīḥa al-ʿAjmā fī al-Kalām ʿalā Ḥadīth “Aḥibb Ḥabībak Hawnan Mā” - Silsilat Liqāʾ al-ʿAshr al-Awākhir bi-al-Masjid al-Ḥarām (10)
الفصيحة العجما في الكلام على حديث «أحبب حبيبك هونا ما» - سلسلة لقاء العشر الأواخر بالمسجد الحرام (10)
Ahmad ibn ‘Abd al-Latif ibn Ahmad al-Barbir al-Hasani, Abu al-Fayd (al-mutawaffa: 1226 H) (d. 1226 AH)أحمد بن عبد اللطيف بن أحمد البربير الحسني، أبو الفيض (المتوفى: 1226 ه) (ت. 1226 هجري)
al-Mufākharah bayna al-mā’ wa-al-hawā’ (maṭbū‘ ḍimn Kitāb al-Mafākharāt wa-al-Munāẓarāt)
المفاخرة بين الماء والهواء (مطبوع ضمن كتاب المفاخرات والمناظرات)
Ahmad ibn ‘Abd al-Latif ibn Ahmad al-Barbir al-Hasani, Abu al-Fayd (al-mutawaffa: 1226 H) (d. 1226 AH)أحمد بن عبد اللطيف بن أحمد البربير الحسني، أبو الفيض (المتوفى: 1226 ه) (ت. 1226 هجري)