Ahmad Baba b. Ahmad b. al-Faqih al-Hajj Ahmad b. ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Takrūrī al-Tinbuktī al-Sūdānī, Abū al-ʿAbbās (d. 1036/1627)
أبو العباس، أحمد بابا بن أحمد التكروري التنبكتي السوداني
Ahmad Baba al-Timbukti was an esteemed Malian scholar and jurist known for his vast contributions to the intellectual tradition of West Africa. He hailed from Timbuktu and was renowned for his deep scholarly output in Islamic jurisprudence. His works, comprising numerous legal opinions and writings, reflected his vast knowledge and profound understanding of Islamic law. Ahmad Baba's intellectual pursuits were instrumental in enhancing the reputation of Timbuktu as a center of learning. His influ...
Ahmad Baba al-Timbukti was an esteemed Malian scholar and jurist known for his vast contributions to the intellectual tradition of West Africa. He hailed from Timbuktu and was renowned for his deep sc...
Mannan al-Rabb al-Jalil fi Muhimmat Tahrir al-Shaykh Khalil
منن الرب الجليل في مهمات تحرير الشيخ خليل
Ahmad Baba b. Ahmad b. al-Faqih al-Hajj Ahmad b. ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Takrūrī al-Tinbuktī al-Sūdānī, Abū al-ʿAbbās (d. 1036/1627) (d. 1036 AH) أبو العباس، أحمد بابا بن أحمد التكروري التنبكتي السوداني (ت. 1036 هجري)
Nayl al-Ibtihāj bi-Taṭrīz al-Dībāj
نيل الابتهاج بتطريز الديباج
Ahmad Baba b. Ahmad b. al-Faqih al-Hajj Ahmad b. ʿUmar b. Muhammad al-Takrūrī al-Tinbuktī al-Sūdānī, Abū al-ʿAbbās (d. 1036/1627) (d. 1036 AH) أبو العباس، أحمد بابا بن أحمد التكروري التنبكتي السوداني (ت. 1036 هجري)