ʿAdil al-Zurqi
عادل الزرقي
3 Texts
•Also known as
Adel Zarka was a notable figure in the historical tapestry of his time, known for his contributions to Islamic scholarship and thought. With a profound understanding of religious texts, his works offered significant insights into the socio-political landscapes influenced by Islamic teachings. His dedication to exploring the complexities of faith and intellect made his writings essential for understanding the era's intricate theological debates.
Adel Zarka was a notable figure in the historical tapestry of his time, known for his contributions to Islamic scholarship and thought. With a profound understanding of religious texts, his works offe...
Qawāʿid al-ʿIlal wa-Qarāʾin al-Tarjīḥ
قواعد العلل وقرائن الترجيح
ʿAdil al-Zurqi (d. Unknown)عادل الزرقي (ت. غير معلوم)
Dhawq al-Ṣalāh ʿinda Ibn al-Qayyim
ذوق الصلاة عند ابن القيم
ʿAdil al-Zurqi (d. Unknown)عادل الزرقي (ت. غير معلوم)
al-Mashhūr min Asānīd al-Ḥadīth
المشهور من أسانيد الحديث
ʿAdil al-Zurqi (d. Unknown)عادل الزرقي (ت. غير معلوم)