Abū al-Muẓaffar ʿAbd al-Khāliq ibn Fayrūz al-Jawharī
أبو المظفر عبد الخالق بن فيروز الجوهري
Abu Muzaffar Jawhari, known formally as أبو المظفر عبد الخالق بن فيروز الجوهري, was a distinguished scholar in the field of Islamic jurisprudence. His contributions to the understanding and interpretation of Islamic law have been recognized for their depth and clarity. Jawhari's works often focused on the intricacies of legal theory and practice within the Islamic tradition, providing valuable insights into the application of Sharia. His writings, characterized by their analytical rigor and scho...
Abu Muzaffar Jawhari, known formally as أبو المظفر عبد الخالق بن فيروز الجوهري, was a distinguished scholar in the field of Islamic jurisprudence. His contributions to the understanding and interpreta...