Abū al-Munjaʿ ʿAbd Allāh b. ʿUmar b. ʿAlī b. Zayd, Ibn al-Latī al-Baghdādī, al-Ḥuraymī, al-Ṭāhirī, al-Qazzāz (d. 635/1238)

أبو المنجى عبد الله بن عمر بن علي بن زيد، ابن اللتي البغدادي، الحريمي، الطاهري، القزاز (المتوفى: 635هـ)


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Abu Munajja Ibn Latti was a distinguished scholar from Baghdad, known for his profound contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His works, deeply rooted in the traditions of Baghdad's scho...