Abu Barakat Suwaydi, known in Arabic as السويدي, was a distinguished scholar from Baghdad. He hailed from a lineage of scholars and contributed significantly to the intellectual and religious life of his time. His full name, Abd Allah ibn al-Husayn al-Suwaydi al-Abbasi, reflects his noble heritage. Abu Barakat Suwaydi was deeply engaged in the study and teaching of various Islamic sciences, making notable contributions that were recognized by his contemporaries. His works remain a testament to h...
Abu Barakat Suwaydi, known in Arabic as السويدي, was a distinguished scholar from Baghdad. He hailed from a lineage of scholars and contributed significantly to the intellectual and religious life of ...
al-Nafḥah al-Miskiyyah fī al-Riḥlah al-Makkiyyah
النفحة المسكية في الرحلة المكية
al-Suwaydī (d. 1174 AH)السويدي (ت. 1174 هجري)
Muʾtamar al-Najaf = al-Ḥujaj al-Qaṭʿiyya li-Ittifāq al-Firaq al-Islāmiyya
مؤتمر النجف = الحجج القطعية لاتفاق الفرق الإسلامية
al-Suwaydī (d. 1174 AH)السويدي (ت. 1174 هجري)