Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Bishr ibn ʾAbd Allah al-Zubayri al-ʾAskari al-Maʾruf bi-al-ʾAkbari al-Misri (al-mutawaffa: 332 AH)
أبو بكر محمد بن بشر بن عبد الله الزبيري العسكري المعروف بالعكبري المصري (المتوفى: 332هـ)
Abu Bakr Zubayri was a distinguished historian and genealogist, renowned for his meticulous documentation of Arab genealogy and pre-Islamic history. His work provided a comprehensive account of Arab tribes, their lineages, and notable events that shaped their histories. Among his contributions, his compilation and preservation of oral traditions and poetry stand out, offering invaluable insights into the social and cultural fabric of the Arab world before the advent of Islam. His dedication to c...
Abu Bakr Zubayri was a distinguished historian and genealogist, renowned for his meticulous documentation of Arab genealogy and pre-Islamic history. His work provided a comprehensive account of Arab t...
Fawāʾid Abī Bakr al-Zubayrī
فوائد أبي بكر الزبيري
Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Bishr ibn ʾAbd Allah al-Zubayri al-ʾAskari al-Maʾruf bi-al-ʾAkbari al-Misri (al-mutawaffa: 332 AH) (d. 322 AH)أبو بكر محمد بن بشر بن عبد الله الزبيري العسكري المعروف بالعكبري المصري (المتوفى: 332هـ) (ت. 322 هجري)
Fawāʾid Abī Bakr al-Zubayrī
فوائد أبي بكر الزبيري
Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Bishr ibn ʾAbd Allah al-Zubayri al-ʾAskari al-Maʾruf bi-al-ʾAkbari al-Misri (al-mutawaffa: 332 AH) (d. 322 AH)أبو بكر محمد بن بشر بن عبد الله الزبيري العسكري المعروف بالعكبري المصري (المتوفى: 332هـ) (ت. 322 هجري)