Abū Bakr al-Kharāʾiṭī
أبو بكر الخرائطي
Abū Bakr al-Kharā'iṭī was a distinguished Islamic scholar, renowned for his profound contributions to Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. His scholarly pursuits led him to compile several significant works that have been influential in the study and practice of Islam. Among his notable contributions is the compilation of hadiths, which serve as a cornerstone for understanding Islamic law and ethics. His dedication to collecting and interpreting hadiths has made his works a valuable resource for sc...
Abū Bakr al-Kharā'iṭī was a distinguished Islamic scholar, renowned for his profound contributions to Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. His scholarly pursuits led him to compile several significant wo...
Makarim al-Akhlaq wa-Ma‘aliha wa-Mahmud Taraqiqha
مكارم الأخلاق ومعاليها ومحمود طرائقها
•Abū Bakr al-Kharāʾiṭī (d. 327)
•أبو بكر الخرائطي (d. 327)
327 AH
Masawiʾ al-Akhlaq wa Madhmumaha
مساوئ الأخلاق ومذمومها
•Abū Bakr al-Kharāʾiṭī (d. 327)
•أبو بكر الخرائطي (d. 327)
327 AH
Iʿtilāl al-Qulūb
اعتلال القلوب
•Abū Bakr al-Kharāʾiṭī (d. 327)
•أبو بكر الخرائطي (d. 327)
327 AH
Hawatif al-Jinan
هواتف الجنان
•Abū Bakr al-Kharāʾiṭī (d. 327)
•أبو بكر الخرائطي (d. 327)
327 AH
al-Muntaqā min Kitāb Makārim al-Akhlāq wa-Ma‘āli-hā
المنتقى من كتاب مكارم الأخلاق ومعاليها
•Abū Bakr al-Kharāʾiṭī (d. 327)
•أبو بكر الخرائطي (d. 327)
327 AH
Faḍīlat al-Shukr li-llāh ʿalā Niʿmatih
فضيلة الشكر لله على نعمته
•Abū Bakr al-Kharāʾiṭī (d. 327)
•أبو بكر الخرائطي (d. 327)
327 AH