Abū al-Qāsim, Ibrāhīm bin Muḥammad al-Līthī al-Samarqandī
أبو القاسم، إبراهيم بن محمد الليثي السمرقندي
Abu al-Qasim Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Laythi al-Samarqandi was a distinguished Islamic scholar and theologian. Originating from the historic city of Samarkand, he contributed extensively to Islamic jurisprudence. His works often focused on the synthesis of various Islamic legal schools, reflecting a deep understanding of legal intricacies and scholarly debates of his time. Known for his rigorous analysis and intellectual prowess, al-Samarqandi engaged with contemporary scholars to address theolog...
Abu al-Qasim Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Laythi al-Samarqandi was a distinguished Islamic scholar and theologian. Originating from the historic city of Samarkand, he contributed extensively to Islamic jur...