ʾAbd al-ʾAzīz b. Fayṣal al-Rājḥī
عبد العزيز بن فيصل الراجحي
2 Texts
•Also known as
Abdulaziz Bin Faisal Al Rajhi is known for his influential role within the expansion of the Al Rajhi business group, a major player in the banking, real estate, and investment sectors. His strategic leadership has been pivotal in the group's growth, particularly in banking, where innovation and modernization have enhanced the brand's reputation. His efforts in fostering Islamic banking principles have also been noteworthy, aligning financial practices with contemporary needs while adhering to tr...
Abdulaziz Bin Faisal Al Rajhi is known for his influential role within the expansion of the Al Rajhi business group, a major player in the banking, real estate, and investment sectors. His strategic l...
Qamʿ al-Dajājjilah al-Ṭāʿinīn fī Muʿtaqad Aʾimmat al-Islām al-Ḥanābilah
قمع الدجاجلة الطاعنين في معتقد أئمة الإسلام الحنابلة
ʾAbd al-ʾAzīz b. Fayṣal al-Rājḥī (d. Unknown)عبد العزيز بن فيصل الراجحي (ت. غير معلوم)
Mujānabat Ahl al-Thubūr al-Muṣallīn fī al-Mashāhid wa ‘Ind al-Qubūr
مجانبة أهل الثبور المصلين في المشاهد وعند القبور
ʾAbd al-ʾAzīz b. Fayṣal al-Rājḥī (d. Unknown)عبد العزيز بن فيصل الراجحي (ت. غير معلوم)