ʾAbd Allah al-Sharqawi
عبد الله الشرقاوي
Abdullah al-Sharqawi was a scholar and jurist from Egypt, who became a leading figure in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He served as the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, where he played a crucial role in its administration and development. Al-Sharqawi is known for his extensive writings, including commentaries on Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His leadership and intellectual contributions were significant during a period of political and social change in Egypt, earning him a respected place...
Abdullah al-Sharqawi was a scholar and jurist from Egypt, who became a leading figure in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He served as the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, where he played a crucial role...
Sharḥ al-Mukhtaṣar al-Kabīr li-al-Ghāzī Ghumūqī
شرح المختصر الكبير للغازي غموقي
ʾAbd Allah al-Sharqawi (d. 1227 AH)عبد الله الشرقاوي (ت. 1227 هجري)
Ḥāshiyat al-Shirwānī ʿalā Sharḥ al-Hudhudī ʿalā al-Sanūsīyah
حاشية الشرقاوي على شرح الهدهدي على السنوسية
ʾAbd Allah al-Sharqawi (d. 1227 AH)عبد الله الشرقاوي (ت. 1227 هجري)
Fath al-Qadir al-Khabir bi-Sharh Tayseer al-Tahrir fi al-Fiqh al-Shafiʾi
فتح القدير الخبير بشرح تيسير التحرير في الفقه الشافعي
ʾAbd Allah al-Sharqawi (d. 1227 AH)عبد الله الشرقاوي (ت. 1227 هجري)
Hāshiyat al-Sharqāwī ʿalā Tuḥfat al-Ṭullāb bi-Sharḥ Taḥrīr Taqnīḥ al-Lubāb
حاشية الشرقاوي على تحفة الطلاب بشرح تحرير تنقيح اللباب
ʾAbd Allah al-Sharqawi (d. 1227 AH)عبد الله الشرقاوي (ت. 1227 هجري)
Fatḥ al-Qadīr al-Khabīr bi-Sharḥ Taysīr al-Taḥrīr ʿalā Manẓūmat al-Taḥrīr
فتح القدير الخبير بشرح تيسير التحرير على منظومة التحرير
ʾAbd Allah al-Sharqawi (d. 1227 AH)عبد الله الشرقاوي (ت. 1227 هجري)