Yūsuf b. Jūdah al-Dāwūdī
يوسف بن جودة الداودي
4 Texts
•Also known as
Yusuf ibn Judah al-Daudi was an influential Islamic scholar and poet known for his mastery of Arab literature and eloquence in the Arabic language. His works reflect deep Islamic scholarship, combining traditional teachings with poetic finesse. Al-Daudi played a significant role in the Islamic intellectual tradition, authoring numerous treatises and poems that continue to be studied by scholars today. His contributions include critical commentaries on classical Islamic texts, and his poetry ofte...
Yusuf ibn Judah al-Daudi was an influential Islamic scholar and poet known for his mastery of Arab literature and eloquence in the Arabic language. His works reflect deep Islamic scholarship, combinin...
Manhaj al-Imām al-Dāraquṭnī fī Naqd al-Ḥadīth fī Kitāb al-ʿIlal
منهج الإمام الدارقطني في نقد الحديث في كتاب العلل
Yūsuf b. Jūdah al-Dāwūdī (d. Unknown)يوسف بن جودة الداودي (ت. غير معلوم)
Sharḥ al-Manẓūmah al-Bayqūnīyah li-Yūsuf Jūdah
شرح المنظومة البيقونية ليوسف جودة
Yūsuf b. Jūdah al-Dāwūdī (d. Unknown)يوسف بن جودة الداودي (ت. غير معلوم)
Athar Taʾrīkh al-Naṣş al-Ḥadīthī fī Tawjīh al-Maʿānī
أثر تاريخ النص الحديثي في توجيه المعاني
Yūsuf b. Jūdah al-Dāwūdī (d. Unknown)يوسف بن جودة الداودي (ت. غير معلوم)
al-Mutafiq wa-al-Muftariq fī man Dhukira bi-Kunyatihi min al-Ruwāt fī al-Kutub al-Sitta
المتفق والمفترق فيمن ذكر بكنيته من الرواة في الكتب الستة
Yūsuf b. Jūdah al-Dāwūdī (d. Unknown)يوسف بن جودة الداودي (ت. غير معلوم)