Yahyā ibn al-Batrīq
يحيى بن البطريق
Yaḥyá b. al-Biṭrīq was an early translator who played a significant role in the transmission of knowledge from Greek into Arabic during the Abbasid Caliphate. He is best known for his translations of philosophical and scientific works, including those of Aristotle, Ptolemy, and Galen. His efforts were instrumental in making the rich heritage of Greek philosophy and science accessible to the Arab-speaking world, thereby enriching the intellectual landscape of the time. His work laid the groundwor...
Yaḥyá b. al-Biṭrīq was an early translator who played a significant role in the transmission of knowledge from Greek into Arabic during the Abbasid Caliphate. He is best known for his translations of ...
Kitāb al-Fuṣūl li-Abūqrāṭ allātī tusammā al-Taʿlīmāt
كتاب الفصول لأبقراط اللتي تسمى التعليمات
Yahyā ibn al-Batrīq (d. 200 AH)يحيى بن البطريق (ت. 200 هجري)
Kitāb Sirr al-Asrār
كتاب سر الأسرار
Yahyā ibn al-Batrīq (d. 200 AH)يحيى بن البطريق (ت. 200 هجري)
Mā Istakhrijahu al-Iskandar al-Afriyudisī min Kitāb Arisṭūṭālīs al-Musammā Thūlūjiyā wa Maʿnāhu al-Kalām fī al-Rubūbiyyah
ما استخرجه الاسكندر الأفروديسي من كتاب¶ أرسطوطاليس¶ المسمى ثولوجيا ومعناه الكلام في الربوبية
Yahyā ibn al-Batrīq (d. 200 AH)يحيى بن البطريق (ت. 200 هجري)
Kitāb al-Ghidhāʾ li-Abuqurāṭ
كتاب الغذاء لأبقراط
Yahyā ibn al-Batrīq (d. 200 AH)يحيى بن البطريق (ت. 200 هجري)