Al-Yāfiʿī, a distinguished Islamic scholar, was renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic history and literature. His works, deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Islamic scholarship, offer invaluable insights into the spiritual and intellectual life of the Muslim world. Among his notable contributions is the comprehensive historical chronicle, which serves as a vital resource for scholars and historians alike. His writings, characterized by their depth and erudition, continue to be stu...
Al-Yāfiʿī, a distinguished Islamic scholar, was renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic history and literature. His works, deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Islamic scholarship, offer i...
Rawd Rayahin
al-Yāfiʿī (d. 768)
•اليافعي (d. 768)
768 AH
al-Jawāhir al-Nafās fī Bayān Ṣifāt al-Sayyid min al-Nās
الجواهر النفاس في بيان صفات السيد من الناس
•al-Yāfiʿī (d. 768)
•اليافعي (d. 768)
768 AH
al-Duʿāʾ Ādābihi wa-Asbābihi
الدعاء آدابه وأسبابه
•al-Yāfiʿī (d. 768)
•اليافعي (d. 768)
768 AH
Mirʾāt al-jinān wa-ʿibrat al-yaqẓān fī maʿrifat mā yuʿtabar min ḥawādith al-zamān
مرآة الجنان وعبرة اليقظان في معرفة ما يعتبر¶ من حوادث الزمان
•al-Yāfiʿī (d. 768)
•اليافعي (d. 768)
768 AH
Marham al-ʿilal al-muʿḍila fi al-radd ʿala aʾimmat al-Muʿtazila
مرهم العلل المعضلة في الرد على أئمة المعتزلة
•al-Yāfiʿī (d. 768)
•اليافعي (d. 768)
768 AH