Shiblī Shumayyil
شبلي شميل
Shibli Shumayyil, a pioneering figure in the Arab Renaissance, was deeply influenced by positivism and Darwinism, which shaped his approach to science and philosophy. He advocated for a rational and scientific approach to understanding the world, challenging traditional views. Shumayyil translated several scientific works into Arabic, making significant contributions to the spread of scientific knowledge in the Arab world. His writings, which include essays and books on philosophy, science, and ...
Shibli Shumayyil, a pioneering figure in the Arab Renaissance, was deeply influenced by positivism and Darwinism, which shaped his approach to science and philosophy. He advocated for a rational and s...
al-Ḥaqīqah: wa-hiya risālah tatadhamman rudūdan li-ithbāt madhhab Dārūn fī al-nushūʾ wa-al-irtiqāʾ
الحقيقة: وهي رسالة تتضمن ردودا لإثبات مذهب دارون في النشوء والارتقاء
Shiblī Shumayyil (d. 1335 AH)شبلي شميل (ت. 1335 هجري)
Sharḥ Bukhner ʿalā Madhhab Dārūn
شرح بخنر على مذهب دارون
Shiblī Shumayyil (d. 1335 AH)شبلي شميل (ت. 1335 هجري)
Ārāʾ al-Duktūr Shiblī Shumayl
آراء الدكتور شبلي شميل
Shiblī Shumayyil (d. 1335 AH)شبلي شميل (ت. 1335 هجري)
Mubāḥath ʿIlmiyya wa-Ijtimāʿiyya
مباحث علمية واجتماعية
Shiblī Shumayyil (d. 1335 AH)شبلي شميل (ت. 1335 هجري)
al-Maʾsāt al-Kubrā: Riwyā Tashkhīṣīyah fī al-Ḥarb al-Ḥāḍirah
المأساة الكبرى: رواية تشخيصية في الحرب الحاضرة
Shiblī Shumayyil (d. 1335 AH)شبلي شميل (ت. 1335 هجري)