Saʿdān b. Naṣr
سعدان بن نصر
Sacdan Ibn Nasr, known as Abu Uthman al-Thaqafi al-Mukhrami al-Bazzaz, was a distinguished figure in the Islamic world. He hailed from the Thaqif tribe, a detail that underscores his lineage's significance in early Islamic history. His contributions are noted for their depth and breadth in Islamic scholarship, particularly in the fields of hadith and jurisprudence. Despite the scarcity of detailed records about his life, his works remain a testament to his scholarly dedication and have been refe...
Sacdan Ibn Nasr, known as Abu Uthman al-Thaqafi al-Mukhrami al-Bazzaz, was a distinguished figure in the Islamic world. He hailed from the Thaqif tribe, a detail that underscores his lineage's signifi...
Juzʾ Saʿdān
جزء سعدان
Saʿdān b. Naṣr (d. 265 AH)سعدان بن نصر (ت. 265 هجري)
al-Awwal min Ḥadīth Saʿdān bin Naṣr bin Manṣūr al-Bazzāz Abī ʿUthmān
الأول من حديث سعدان بن نصر بن منصور البزاز أبي عثمان
Saʿdān b. Naṣr (d. 265 AH)سعدان بن نصر (ت. 265 هجري)
Juzʾ min Ḥadīth Saʿdān ibn Naṣr al-Makharmī Muntaqā min al-Juzʾ al-Rābiʿ min Ḥadīthihi ʿan Shuyūkhihi
جزء من حديث سعدان بن نصر المخرمي منتقى من الجزء الرابع من حديثه عن شيوخه
Saʿdān b. Naṣr (d. 265 AH)سعدان بن نصر (ت. 265 هجري)