Rashīd al-Dīn al-ʿAṭṭār
رشيد الدين العطار
Rashid Cattar, originally named يحيى بن علي بن عبد الله القرشي أبو الحسين, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. His profound understanding and interpretation of Islamic teachings contributed significantly to the scholarly community. He was known for his rigorous approach to the authentication of Hadith, ensuring that the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad were accurately preserved. His works remain a vital resource for scholars and students of Islamic st...
Rashid Cattar, originally named يحيى بن علي بن عبد الله القرشي أبو الحسين, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. His profound understanding and interpretation ...
Nuzhat al-Nāẓir fī Dhikr man Ḥaddatha ʿan Abī al-Qāsim al-Baghawī min al-Ḥuffāẓ wa-al-Akābir
نزهة الناظر في ذكر من حدث عن أبي القاسم البغوي من الحفاظ والأكابر
Rashīd al-Dīn al-ʿAṭṭār (d. 662 AH)رشيد الدين العطار (ت. 662 هجري)
Gharar al-Fawāʾid al-Majmūʿa fī Bayān Mā Waqaʿa fī Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim min al-Aḥādīth al-Maqṭūʿa
غرر الفوائد المجموعة في بيان ما وقع في صحيح مسلم من الأحاديث المقطوعة
Rashīd al-Dīn al-ʿAṭṭār (d. 662 AH)رشيد الدين العطار (ت. 662 هجري)
Mujarrad Asmāʾ al-Ruwāt ʿan Mālik, yalīhi al-Mustadrak ʿala al-Khaṭīb wa al-ʿAṭṭār
مجرد أسماء الرواة عن مالك، يليه المستدرك على الخطيب والعطار
Rashīd al-Dīn al-ʿAṭṭār (d. 662 AH)رشيد الدين العطار (ت. 662 هجري)