Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Kāfijī
محيي الدين الكافيجي
Muhyi Din Kafiyaji, originally named Muhammad ibn Sulayman ibn Sa'd ibn Mas'ud, was a distinguished scholar in the field of Arabic language and literature. Hailing from a background deeply rooted in the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence, he made significant contributions through his works. Among his notable contributions is the development and refinement of Arabic rhetoric, which has been influential in the study and teaching of Arabic eloquence. His expertise in the nuances of the Arabic l...
Muhyi Din Kafiyaji, originally named Muhammad ibn Sulayman ibn Sa'd ibn Mas'ud, was a distinguished scholar in the field of Arabic language and literature. Hailing from a background deeply rooted in t...
al-Mukhtaṣar fī ʿilm al-athar
المختصر في علم الأثر
Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Kāfijī (d. 879 AH)محيي الدين الكافيجي (ت. 879 هجري)
Sayf al-Quḍāt ʿalā al-Bughāt wa-Yalīhi Sayf al-Mulūk wa-al-Ḥukkām al-Murshid Lahum ilā al-Ḥaqq wa-Sabīl al-Aḥkām
سيف القضاة على البغاة ويليه سيف الملوك والحكام المرشد لهم الى الحق وسبيل الاحكام
Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Kāfijī (d. 879 AH)محيي الدين الكافيجي (ت. 879 هجري)
al-Tadhkirah li-Ulī al-Albāb fī Masāʾil al-Basmala wa'l-Istiʿādha
التذكرة لأولي الألباب في مسائل البسملة والاستعاذة
Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Kāfijī (d. 879 AH)محيي الدين الكافيجي (ت. 879 هجري)