Muḥammad al-Zuhrī al-Ghamrāwī
محمد الزهري الغمراوي
Muhammad Zahri Ghamrawi was a distinguished scholar in the field of Islamic jurisprudence, particularly within the Maliki school of thought. His expertise also extended to the realms of Arabic language and literature, making him a versatile figure in Islamic scholarship. Ghamrawi authored several influential works, among which his commentary on Khalil's Mukhtasar stands out for its depth and clarity. This work, in particular, has been celebrated for its insightful analysis and practical applicat...
Muhammad Zahri Ghamrawi was a distinguished scholar in the field of Islamic jurisprudence, particularly within the Maliki school of thought. His expertise also extended to the realms of Arabic languag...
Anwār al-Masālik Sharḥ ʿUmdat al-Sālik wa-ʿUddat al-Nāsik
أنوار المسالك شرح عمدة السالك وعدة الناسك
al-ʿAllāma Muḥammad al-Zuhrī al-Ghumrāwī (al-mutawaffā: baʿd 1337h) (d. 1337 AH)العلامة محمد الزهري الغمراوي (المتوفى: بعد 1337هـ) (ت. 1337 هجري)
al-Sirāj al-Wahhāj ʿalā Matn al-Minhāj
السراج الوهاج على متن المنهاج
al-ʿAllāma Muḥammad al-Zuhrī al-Ghumrāwī (al-mutawaffā: baʿd 1337h) (d. 1337 AH)العلامة محمد الزهري الغمراوي (المتوفى: بعد 1337هـ) (ت. 1337 هجري)