Mufliḥ al-Ṣaymarī al-Baḥrānī
مفلح الصيمري البحراني
Muflih Saymari was a distinguished Islamic scholar, known for his profound contributions to the field of Hadith studies. His expertise in the authentication and compilation of Hadiths made him a respected figure among his contemporaries. Saymari's work primarily focused on the collection and verification of Hadiths, ensuring their accuracy for future generations. His dedication to preserving the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad was evident through his meticulous approach to scholarshi...
Muflih Saymari was a distinguished Islamic scholar, known for his profound contributions to the field of Hadith studies. His expertise in the authentication and compilation of Hadiths made him a respe...
Talkhīṣ al-khilāf wa khulāṣat al-ikhtilāf - al-juzʾ 1
تلخيص الخلاف و خلاصة الاختلاف - الجزء1
al-Mufliḥ b. Ḥasan al-Ṣaymarī (d. 900 AH)المفلح بن حسن الصيمري (ت. 900 هجري)
Kashf al-Iltibās ʿan Mūjaz Abī al-ʿAbbās
كشف الالتباس عن موجز أبي العباس
al-Mufliḥ b. Ḥasan al-Ṣaymarī (d. 900 AH)المفلح بن حسن الصيمري (ت. 900 هجري)