Muḥammad Ṣubḥī Ḥallāq
محمد صبحي حلاق
Mohammed Sobhi Hallak was a scholar whose contributions to Islamic studies are noteworthy within academic circles. His dedication to exploring traditional texts and his insight into the nuances of historical Islamic thought distinguished his work. Known for his thorough analysis and interpretation, Hallak's scholarship made significant contributions to the understanding of classical Islamic jurisprudence. His works remain a reference for those studying the intricacies of Islamic law and philosop...
Mohammed Sobhi Hallak was a scholar whose contributions to Islamic studies are noteworthy within academic circles. His dedication to exploring traditional texts and his insight into the nuances of his...
al-Lubāb fī Fiqh al-Sunnah wa-al-Kitāb
اللباب في فقه السنة والكتاب
Muḥammad Ṣubḥī Ḥallāq (d. 1438 AH)محمد صبحي حلاق (ت. 1438 هجري)
al-Adilla al-Radiyya li-Matn al-Durr al-Bahiyya fi al-Masaʾil al-Fiqhiyya
الأدلة الرضية لمتن الدرر البهية في المسائل الفقهية
Muḥammad Ṣubḥī Ḥallāq (d. 1438 AH)محمد صبحي حلاق (ت. 1438 هجري)