Muḥammad Abū al-Maḥāsin ʿAṣfūr
محمد أبو المحاسن عصفور
2 Texts
•Also known as
Mohamed Abul Mahasin Asfour, a respected Islamic scholar, was known for his profound contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His works often delved into intricate interpretations of religious texts, guiding followers in spiritual and legal matters. Asfour's teachings emphasized the balance between tradition and contemporary application, enriching the discourse within Islamic communities. His scholarly pursuits and published works remain valuable resources for those exploring Islamic...
Mohamed Abul Mahasin Asfour, a respected Islamic scholar, was known for his profound contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His works often delved into intricate interpretations of relig...
Maʿālim Ḥaḍārāt al-Sharq al-Adnā al-Qadīm
معالم حضارات الشرق الأدني القديم
Muḥammad Abū al-Maḥāsin ʿAṣfūr (d. Unknown)محمد أبو المحاسن عصفور (ت. غير معلوم)
Maʿālim Tārīkh al-Sharq al-Adná al-Qadīm
معالم تاريخ الشرق الأدني القديم
Muḥammad Abū al-Maḥāsin ʿAṣfūr (d. Unknown)محمد أبو المحاسن عصفور (ت. غير معلوم)