al-Subkī, Maḥmūd Khaṭāb
السبكي، محمود خطاب
Mahmoud Khattab Al-Subki was an influential Islamic scholar whose works focused extensively on Islamic jurisprudence and theology. Engaged deeply with traditional scholarship, he contributed significant writings and lectures that sought to clarify and expound upon Islamic legal theories. Al-Subki's dedication to education made him a pivotal figure in disseminating religious knowledge, providing guidance and interpretation on complex issues. He nurtured a rich intellectual environment, engaging w...
Mahmoud Khattab Al-Subki was an influential Islamic scholar whose works focused extensively on Islamic jurisprudence and theology. Engaged deeply with traditional scholarship, he contributed significa...
al-Dīn al-Khāliṣ aw Irshād al-Khalq ilā Dīn al-Ḥaqq
الدين الخالص أو إرشاد الخلق إلى دين الحق
al-Subkī, Maḥmūd Khaṭāb (d. 1352 AH)السبكي، محمود خطاب (ت. 1352 هجري)
al-Manhal al-‘Adhb al-Mawrūd Sharḥ Sunan Abī Dāwūd
المنهل العذب المورود شرح سنن أبي داود
al-Subkī, Maḥmūd Khaṭāb (d. 1352 AH)السبكي، محمود خطاب (ت. 1352 هجري)