Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī
لطف الله الصافي
Lutf Allah Safi Gulpaygani was a distinguished Twelver Shi'a Marja. He authored several influential works, contributing significantly to Islamic jurisprudence and theology. Among his notable works are 'Muntakhab al-Athar', where he delved into the traditions concerning the awaited Mahdi, and 'Qamus al-Rijal', a comprehensive biographical encyclopedia of narrators of Hadith. His scholarly efforts were dedicated to elucidating complex religious texts and providing clear guidance on matters of fait...
Lutf Allah Safi Gulpaygani was a distinguished Twelver Shi'a Marja. He authored several influential works, contributing significantly to Islamic jurisprudence and theology. Among his notable works are...
al-Taʿzīr, Aḥkāmuhu wa-Ḥudūduhu
التعزير، أحكامه وحدوده
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
al-Rasāʾil al-Khams min Fiqh al-Imāmiyya
الرسائل الخمس من فقه الإمامية
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
Thalāth Rasāʾil Fiqhiyyah
ثلاث رسائل فقهية
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
Mashrūʿiyyat al-Istiḵāra
مشروعية الاستخارة
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
al-Aḥkām al-Sharʿiyya Thābita lā yataghayyir
الأحكام الشرعية ثابتة لا يتغير
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
Hidāyat al-ʿIbād
هداية العباد
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
Ḍarūrat Wujūd al-Ḥukūma, aw Wilāyat al-Faqīh fī ʿAṣr al-Ghayba
ضرورة وجود الحكومة، أو ولاية الفقيه في عصر الغيبة
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
Maca Khatib
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)
Fiqh al-Ḥajj, Buḥūth Istidlāliyya fī al-Ḥajj
فقه الحج، بحوث استدلالية في الحج
Luṭf Allāh al-Ṣāfī (d. 1443 AH)لطف الله الصافي (ت. 1443 هجري)