al-Shaykh Khalil Ahmad al-Saharanfuri (al-mutawaffá: 1346 H)
الشيخ خليل أحمد السهارنفوري (المتوفى: 1346 ه)
Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri was a distinguished Islamic scholar and theologian, renowned for his profound contributions to Hadith studies. He authored several influential works, most notably 'Bazl al-Majhood fi Hall Abi Dawood,' a comprehensive commentary on Sunan Abu Dawood, which is highly regarded in Islamic scholarship. His expertise in Islamic jurisprudence and Hadith made him a revered figure among scholars and students alike. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to teaching and writing,...
Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri was a distinguished Islamic scholar and theologian, renowned for his profound contributions to Hadith studies. He authored several influential works, most notably 'Bazl al-Maj...
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī - bi-ḥāshiyat al-Sahāranfūrī - taḥqīq al-Nadwī
صحيح البخاري - بحاشية السهارنفوري - ت الندوي
al-Shaykh Khalil Ahmad al-Saharanfuri (al-mutawaffá: 1346 H) (d. 1346 AH)الشيخ خليل أحمد السهارنفوري (المتوفى: 1346 ه) (ت. 1346 هجري)
Badhl al-Majhūd fī Ḥall Sunan Abī Dāwūd
بذل المجهود في حل سنن أبي داود
al-Shaykh Khalil Ahmad al-Saharanfuri (al-mutawaffá: 1346 H) (d. 1346 AH)الشيخ خليل أحمد السهارنفوري (المتوفى: 1346 ه) (ت. 1346 هجري)