Khalid al-Durays
خالد الدريس
2 Texts
•Also known as
Khalid Al-Drees, renowned for his significant scholarly contributions in Islamic thought, played an influential role in modern interpretations and studies related to the Arabic language. Serving as a bridge between classical and contemporary scholarship, his writings and lectures are cherished for their depth and clarity. His expertise extended to various Islamic sciences and his contribution to academic circles remains respected, particularly in enriching the understanding of classical Arabic t...
Khalid Al-Drees, renowned for his significant scholarly contributions in Islamic thought, played an influential role in modern interpretations and studies related to the Arabic language. Serving as a ...
Mawqif al-Imāmayn al-Bukhārī wa-Muslim min Ishtirāṭ al-Liqyā wa-al-Samāʿ fī al-Sanad al-Muʿʿanan bayn al-Mutaʿāṣirīn
موقف الإمامين البخاري ومسلم من اشتراط اللقيا والسماع في السند المعنعن بين المتعاصرين
Khalid al-Durays (d. Unknown)خالد الدريس (ت. غير معلوم)
al-ʿUyūb al-Minhajiyyah fī Kitābāt al-Mustashriq Shākht al-Mutaʿalliqah bi-l-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah
العيوب المنهجية في كتابات المستشرق شاخت المتعلقة بالسنة النبوية
Khalid al-Durays (d. Unknown)خالد الدريس (ت. غير معلوم)