Jamil ʾAbd Allah Muhammad al-Masri
جميل عبد الله محمد المصري
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•Also known as
Jamil Abdullah Mohammed Al-Misri, active in modern Islamic discourse, focused on intellectual and theological matters. Known particularly for addressing contemporary issues within Islam, his works often explore the intersection of faith and society. His contributions have sparked discussions among scholars and practitioners alike, emphasizing the importance of understanding Islamic teachings in a modern context. Al-Misri's writings continue to be referenced in discussions on religious interpreta...
Jamil Abdullah Mohammed Al-Misri, active in modern Islamic discourse, focused on intellectual and theological matters. Known particularly for addressing contemporary issues within Islam, his works oft...
Intishār al-Islām al-Futūḥāt al-Islāmīyah fī Zaman al-Rāshidīn
انتشار الإسلام الفتوحات الإسلامية زمن الراشدين
Jamil ʾAbd Allah Muhammad al-Masri (d. Unknown)جميل عبد الله محمد المصري (ت. غير معلوم)
al-Zallaqa: Maʿraka min Maʿārik al-Islām al-Ḥāsima fī al-Andalus
الزلاقة معركة من معارك الإسلام الحاسمة في الأندلس
Jamil ʾAbd Allah Muhammad al-Masri (d. Unknown)جميل عبد الله محمد المصري (ت. غير معلوم)