Ibn Taghrī Birdī, al-Atābakī
ابن تغري بردي،الأتابكي
Ibn Taghribirdi, al-Atabaki, was an Egyptian historian of the Mamluk era. He is renowned for his detailed chronicles of Islamic history, particularly the Mamluk Sultanate. His most famous work, 'al-Nujum al-Zahira fi Muluk Misr wa'l-Qahira,' offers an exhaustive account of the political, social, and cultural landscape of Egypt and Cairo from the Islamic conquest until his time. His writings serve as a crucial source for researchers studying the Mamluk period, providing insights into the complexi...
Ibn Taghribirdi, al-Atabaki, was an Egyptian historian of the Mamluk era. He is renowned for his detailed chronicles of Islamic history, particularly the Mamluk Sultanate. His most famous work, 'al-Nu...
Mawrid al-Laṭāfah fī Man Walī al-Sulṭānah wa-al-Khilāfah
مورد اللطافة في من ولي السلطنة والخلافة
Ibn Taghrī Birdī, al-Atābakī (d. 874 AH)ابن تغري بردي،الأتابكي (ت. 874 هجري)
ḥawādith al-duhūr fī madā al-ayām wa al-shuhūr
حوادث الدهور في مدى الأيام و الشهور
Ibn Taghrī Birdī, al-Atābakī (d. 874 AH)ابن تغري بردي،الأتابكي (ت. 874 هجري)
al-Manhal al-Safi wa-l-Mustawfa Baʿda l-Wafi
al-Manhal al-Safi wa-l-Mustawfa Baʿda l-Wafi
Ibn Taghrī Birdī, al-Atābakī (d. 874 AH)ابن تغري بردي،الأتابكي (ت. 874 هجري)
al-Nujūm al-Zāhira fī Mulūk Miṣr wa-al-Qāhira
النجوم الزاهرة في ملوك مصر والقاهرة
Ibn Taghrī Birdī, al-Atābakī (d. 874 AH)ابن تغري بردي،الأتابكي (ت. 874 هجري)