Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn Rashīq al-Qayrawānī al-Azdī (al-mutawaffā: 463H)
أبو على الحسن بن رشيق القيرواني الأزدي (المتوفى : 463هـ)
Ibn Rashiq Al-Qayrawani, a distinguished scholar from Qayrawan, is renowned for his profound contributions to Arabic literature and poetics. His magnum opus, 'Al-‘Umda fi Mahasin al-Shi‘r wa-Adabihi wa-Naqdihi' (The Pillar on the Merits of Poetry, its Literature, and Criticism), stands as a seminal work in the field of Arabic literary criticism. This comprehensive treatise not only explores the aesthetics of poetry but also delves into the intricacies of literary criticism, offering insights int...
Ibn Rashiq Al-Qayrawani, a distinguished scholar from Qayrawan, is renowned for his profound contributions to Arabic literature and poetics. His magnum opus, 'Al-‘Umda fi Mahasin al-Shi‘r wa-Adabihi w...
al-ʿUmdah fī Maḥāsin al-Shiʿr wa-Ādābihi
العمدة في محاسن الشعر وآدابه
Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn Rashīq al-Qayrawānī al-Azdī (al-mutawaffā: 463H) (d. 463 AH)أبو على الحسن بن رشيق القيرواني الأزدي (المتوفى : 463هـ) (ت. 463 هجري)
Dīwān Ibn Rashīq al-Qayrawānī al-Azdī
ديوان ابن رشيق القيرواني الأزدي
Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn Rashīq al-Qayrawānī al-Azdī (al-mutawaffā: 463H) (d. 463 AH)أبو على الحسن بن رشيق القيرواني الأزدي (المتوفى : 463هـ) (ت. 463 هجري)