al-Tanūkhī, Ibn Nājjī
التنوخي، ابن ناجي
Ibn Naji Tannukhi, originally from Qayrawan, was a distinguished historian and scholar. His contributions to the field of history and literature are notable for their depth and insight. He is best known for his meticulous documentation of events and figures of his time, providing future generations with a valuable window into the past. His works are characterized by their detailed narrative style, blending historical facts with literary elegance. Through his writings, he has preserved the rich t...
Ibn Naji Tannukhi, originally from Qayrawan, was a distinguished historian and scholar. His contributions to the field of history and literature are notable for their depth and insight. He is best kno...
Sharḥ Ibn Nājjī al-Tanūkhī ʿalā Matn al-Risāla li-Ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī
شرح ابن ناجي التنوخي على متن الرسالة لابن أبي زيد القيرواني
al-Tanūkhī, Ibn Nājjī (d. 837 AH)التنوخي، ابن ناجي (ت. 837 هجري)
Sharḥ al-Tafrīʿ
شرح التفريع
al-Tanūkhī, Ibn Nājjī (d. 837 AH)التنوخي، ابن ناجي (ت. 837 هجري)