Ibn Muhammad Bujayrimi Misri, known as Al-Bujayrimi, was a distinguished scholar in the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence. His contributions to Islamic legal thought are encapsulated in his comprehensive commentary on the Minhaj al-Talibin, a key text in Shafi'i fiqh. This work, celebrated for its depth and clarity, serves as an essential reference for scholars and students alike. Al-Bujayrimi's expertise not only enriched the Islamic legal tradition but also provided a bridge for future g...
Ibn Muhammad Bujayrimi Misri, known as Al-Bujayrimi, was a distinguished scholar in the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence. His contributions to Islamic legal thought are encapsulated in his comp...
Tuḥfat al-Ḥabīb ʿalā Sharḥ al-Khaṭīb (al-Bujayrimī ʿalā al-Khaṭīb)
تحفة الحبيب على شرح الخطيب (البجيرمي على الخطيب)
al-Bujayrimī (d. 1221 AH)البجيرمي (ت. 1221 هجري)
Tajrid Li Nafc Cabid
حاشية البجيرمي على شرح منهج الطلاب (التجريد لنفع العبيد)
al-Bujayrimī (d. 1221 AH)البجيرمي (ت. 1221 هجري)