Asʿad (Abū al-Makārim) ibn Muhadhdhib (al-mulaqqab bi-al-Khaṭīr Abū Saʿīd) ibn Mīnā ibn Zakariyyā, Ibn Mammātī (al-mutawaffá: 606H)

أسعد (أبو المكارم) بن مهذب (الملقب بالخطير أبي سعيد) بن مينا بن زكريا، ابن مماتي (المتوفى: 606هـ)

2 Texts

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Ibn Mamati, known as As'ad Abu al-Makarim, was a distinguished figure in the field of administration and literature. His contributions are primarily noted in the realm of governmental procedures and p...