Asʿad (Abū al-Makārim) ibn Muhadhdhib (al-mulaqqab bi-al-Khaṭīr Abū Saʿīd) ibn Mīnā ibn Zakariyyā, Ibn Mammātī (al-mutawaffá: 606H)
أسعد (أبو المكارم) بن مهذب (الملقب بالخطير أبي سعيد) بن مينا بن زكريا، ابن مماتي (المتوفى: 606هـ)
Ibn Mamati, known as As'ad Abu al-Makarim, was a distinguished figure in the field of administration and literature. His contributions are primarily noted in the realm of governmental procedures and protocols during his time. He authored several works that shed light on the intricacies of administrative practices, offering insights into the governance and bureaucratic mechanisms of his era. His writings serve as valuable resources for understanding the administrative heritage and practices of th...
Ibn Mamati, known as As'ad Abu al-Makarim, was a distinguished figure in the field of administration and literature. His contributions are primarily noted in the realm of governmental procedures and p...
Laṭāʾif al-Dhakhīra wa-Ṭarāʾif al-Jazīra (Mustakhlaṣ min Kitāb al-Dhakhīra li-Ibn Bassām)
لطائف الذخيرة وطرائف الجزيرة (مستخلص من كتاب الذخيرة لابن بسام)
Asʿad (Abū al-Makārim) ibn Muhadhdhib (al-mulaqqab bi-al-Khaṭīr Abū Saʿīd) ibn Mīnā ibn Zakariyyā, Ibn Mammātī (al-mutawaffá: 606H) (d. 606 AH)أسعد (أبو المكارم) بن مهذب (الملقب بالخطير أبي سعيد) بن مينا بن زكريا، ابن مماتي (المتوفى: 606هـ) (ت. 606 هجري)
Qawanin Dawawin
Asʿad (Abū al-Makārim) ibn Muhadhdhib (al-mulaqqab bi-al-Khaṭīr Abū Saʿīd) ibn Mīnā ibn Zakariyyā, Ibn Mammātī (al-mutawaffá: 606H) (d. 606 AH)أسعد (أبو المكارم) بن مهذب (الملقب بالخطير أبي سعيد) بن مينا بن زكريا، ابن مماتي (المتوفى: 606هـ) (ت. 606 هجري)