Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Ishbīlī
أبو محمد عبد الحق الإشبيلي
Abu Muhammad Abd al-Haq al-Ishbili, known as Ibn Kharrat Ishbili, was a distinguished scholar from Al-Andalus, specifically from Seville. His contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and literature are noteworthy. He hailed from the Azdi tribe, reflecting his deep roots in the Islamic and Andalusian cultural heritage. His works, although not extensively documented in contemporary sources, played a significant role in the intellectual and spiritual life of Muslim Spain. His scholarly pursuits and w...
Abu Muhammad Abd al-Haq al-Ishbili, known as Ibn Kharrat Ishbili, was a distinguished scholar from Al-Andalus, specifically from Seville. His contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and literature are ...
al-Aḥkām al-Sharʿiyya al-Kubrā
الأحكام الشرعية الكبرى
•Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Ishbīlī (d. 581)
•أبو محمد عبد الحق الإشبيلي (d. 581)
581 AH
al-Jamʿ bayna al-Ṣaḥīḥayn li-ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq
الجمع بين الصحيحين لعبد الحق
•Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Ishbīlī (d. 581)
•أبو محمد عبد الحق الإشبيلي (d. 581)
581 AH
al-ʿāqiba fī dhikr al-mawt
العاقبة في ذكر الموت
•Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Ishbīlī (d. 581)
•أبو محمد عبد الحق الإشبيلي (d. 581)
581 AH
al-aḥkām al-wusṭā min ḥadīth al-nabī - ṣallā Allāh ʿalayhi wa-sallam -
الأحكام الوسطى من حديث النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم -
•Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Ishbīlī (d. 581)
•أبو محمد عبد الحق الإشبيلي (d. 581)
581 AH
al-Aḥkām al-Sharʿīyah al-Ṣughrā ʾal-Ṣaḥīḥahʾ
الأحكام الشرعية الصغرى «الصحيحة»
•Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Ishbīlī (d. 581)
•أبو محمد عبد الحق الإشبيلي (d. 581)
581 AH