ʿUbayd Allāh b. al-Ḥusayn b. al-Ḥasan Abū al-Qāsim Ibn al-Jallāb al-Mālikī (al-mutawaffā: 378h)
عبيد الله بن الحسين بن الحسن أبو القاسم ابن الجلاب المالكي (المتوفى: 378ه)
Ibn Jallab, formally known as Ubayd Allah ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Hasan Abu al-Qasim, was a distinguished scholar in the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence. His contributions to Islamic legal theory and jurisprudence were profound, with his works serving as critical references for scholars and students within the Maliki tradition. His expertise in the nuances of legal principles and his methodological approach to Islamic law have been celebrated for their depth and clarity, making him a revered...
Ibn Jallab, formally known as Ubayd Allah ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Hasan Abu al-Qasim, was a distinguished scholar in the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence. His contributions to Islamic legal theory ...
Sharḥ al-Mudawwanah al-Kubrā
شرح المدونة الكبرى
ʿUbayd Allāh b. al-Ḥusayn b. al-Ḥasan Abū al-Qāsim Ibn al-Jallāb al-Mālikī (al-mutawaffā: 378h) (d. 378 AH)عبيد الله بن الحسين بن الحسن أبو القاسم ابن الجلاب المالكي (المتوفى: 378ه) (ت. 378 هجري)
al-Tafriʿ fī Fiqh al-Imām Mālik b. Anas
التفريع في فقه الإمام مالك بن أنس
ʿUbayd Allāh b. al-Ḥusayn b. al-Ḥasan Abū al-Qāsim Ibn al-Jallāb al-Mālikī (al-mutawaffā: 378h) (d. 378 AH)عبيد الله بن الحسين بن الحسن أبو القاسم ابن الجلاب المالكي (المتوفى: 378ه) (ت. 378 هجري)