Ibn Hisham al-Lakhmī (al-mutawaffá: 577 H)
ابن هشام اللخمي (المتوفى: 577 ه)
Ibn Hisham Lakhmi was a distinguished Islamic scholar, renowned for his contributions to Islamic jurisprudence. He is best known for his work in the Maliki school of thought, one of the four major Sunni legal schools. His expertise and scholarly works significantly influenced the development and understanding of Maliki jurisprudence. His writings, characterized by depth and clarity, served as essential references for scholars and students alike. His dedication to Islamic law and its principles m...
Ibn Hisham Lakhmi was a distinguished Islamic scholar, renowned for his contributions to Islamic jurisprudence. He is best known for his work in the Maliki school of thought, one of the four major Sun...
al-Madkhal ilā Taqwīm al-Lisān
المدخل إلى تقويم اللسان
Ibn Hisham al-Lakhmī (al-mutawaffá: 577 H) (d. 577 AH)ابن هشام اللخمي (المتوفى: 577 ه) (ت. 577 هجري)
Sharḥ al-Faṣīḥ li-Ibn Hishām al-Lakhmī
شرح الفصيح لابن هشام اللخمي
Ibn Hisham al-Lakhmī (al-mutawaffá: 577 H) (d. 577 AH)ابن هشام اللخمي (المتوفى: 577 ه) (ت. 577 هجري)